Monday, July 23, 2007

(Semi) Solid food!

At 5 months 3 weeks, Kate already weighs more than 9kg. I'm not sure if she's heavier than the norm but she does look bigger than most kids her age that i've seen, which i'm not really surprised with since my wife is a tall woman at 5ft 10 inches (by asian standards). We started introducing rice cereals in her meal when she was 4 months old and she seem to have instinctively gave a liking for solid food. Feeding her cereals has been a delight so far since she has never refused any of the food we have given her. The only drawback though is she likes her food so much that we have to give it without delay, otherwise she'll show a tantrum. The water bottle is at hand to pacify her in the gaps between refilling her food bowl. Mark on her face was a result of a pacifier she was using before her feed. Feeding started few minutes after her lunchtime nap.

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