Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back home from weekend KKH

Its been a while since my last update so i'll have to track back to Aug 13 when we just came back from KKH hospital after Kate got admitted the Saturday before.

AUG 10, Friday: We intended to go to the hospital to have Kate checked up for a different reason. She has a slight assymetry in her head shape which we were concerned about. It's one of those "flat head" condition which happens when the baby spends too much time lying in a single position and the pressure "flattens" a side of the baby's unfused skull. But before we can even book a schedule, we realised that she was having a fever. at 38.8C.

AUG 11, Saturday: The fever still remained and we got quite concerned, hence a trip to KKH got underway. Doctor checked her, ordered a urine test since he's suspecting a possible UTI. Tests came back with a non-conclusive result, yet he advised us to have Kate admitted. I voiced out my concern on the fact that he was recommending hospitalisation despite a non-conclusive report from a contaminated urine sample. He said he wouldn't take the risk of letting the baby off, with the findings he got from the test. So there begins our sleepless and uncomfortable, hospital weekend stay.

AUG 13, Monday: A second urine test and a blood test confirmed that she's negative for UTI. Fever came off but rashes appeared on Kate's torso. Attending doctor, a different one this time, said it may just be false measles from a viral infection. He said as long as the fever came down, this shouldn't be a concern.

AUG 14, Tuesday: Kate got her fever-free status for 24-hours. She got discharged the same day, after i expressed that we're keen to go home since all of us we're not getting enough sleep in the hospital.

We went back home and I finally had the time to do some research on the viral infection Kate may have gotten. I found one called Roseola. Apparently it's a common sickness that babies more than six months old get. And you know what? it doesn't require hospitalisation. I'm no doctor but i can say that the symptoms and duration were spot-on. Three days of fever and appearance of rash right after. Kate went back to her normal self by Friday, and we get our collective sigh of relief. We're all back to smiles..